Sunday, July 14, 2013

Grumpy Cat Is A Genius!

OK people out in the blogosphere I was wandering around Facebook the other day and came across one of my friends posts that inspired me to write this little short diatribe about…of all things…the great and fabulous Grumpy Cat.  So here’s what inspired me to write this fabulous post...the other day I logged into good ol’ trusty Facebook to read about all of the riveting and thought provoking posts from my friends and family (not really…it is just a bunch of overloaded crap but I am drawn in to it like a fly is drawn to a big ol’ cowpie…yes…I just said cowpie! Ha!) and I came across one that was pretty funny about Grumpy Cat.  This is going to sound really sad, but I really didn’t know who or what this thought provoking cat was, but when I realized that he was hosting a contest, I felt compelled to find out what all of the hype was about…it’s not every day that a grumpy ol’ cat gives away anything except dropping a big ol’ present in his kitty litter box or even better…gifting you with a properly formed hair ball…yeah…the hair balls are the BEST EVER…NOT!  So gross… anyhoo…so I wandered over to the crazy cat’s Facebook page   and realized that this cat is like… super famous! What.The.Hell?  I must have been living under a rock, because I didn’t realize that this "frownie faced cat" was so popular that it has a butt load of followers…WTF?  How in the hell does a cat that basically tells you to F* OFF have that many followers?  As I sat there and pondered this thought I realized…GRUMPY CAT IS A GENIUS!  I often talk about how I need to invent something because I seriously do NOT want to have to work anymore…so why couldn’t I think of making bank by putting insults on pictures of a grouchy ol’ cat that is licking its ass?  Made me want to start posting my  witty thought provoking insults as Bitchy Middleage Mommy and see if I get as many followers that adore me because they think that I am just that charming...without the whole licking your ass part...HAHAHAHAHAHAAA! Hmmm…throwing around insults while you look like the Crypt Keeper is probably NOT going to get me that many followers…thinking that I should have thought that whole “Botox or Not to Botox” debacle through so that I could get some more followers like that fabulous cat…oh wait…I would have to be cute and cuddly while I insult your ass…yeah not happening…I have the ass part down and people it’s pretty big and so NOT cute!  HAHHAHAHAAA!  I have to admit that whoever the owner is of this cat has to be making a fortune off of its grumpy butt…hmmmm….wondering if that kitty cat gets pampered from all of the profits that his grumpiness makes for his owners?  Does he get kitty massages and sushi every night?  I know that if I had that many followers I totally would be exploiting that shit…I would be expecting celebrity perks and demanding that I be a guest host on Ellen…thinking that I might have to try to finagle an interview during Christmas so that I can get some swank swag out of the whole thing right? AND how in the hell did Grumpy Cat land a hug from the hot brother from Vampire Diaries as witnessed below:
Seriously?  The only action that I get is an uncomfortable tongue gesture from a very disgusting trash guy and this cat is hugging hotties?  WTF?  I seriously need to rethink my priorities here…Sheesh!  So you all are probably wondering what is the point of all of this no nonsense verbal diarrhea right?  Well…the point is that I need to invent something like a pet rock app and make millions so that I don’t have to be jealous of a grouchy faced cat that is making that owner one happy LOADED camper!  Whoever created Grumpy cat is a genius…oh and BTW…the pet rock app does exist…I looked it up…you can download it for .99 at the app store!  Sheesh…see I can’t even create an imaginary app…I am doomed to work until I am 80…where is a grouchy cat when you need one right?!  Sigh…*sounds of slurping Tequila through an industrial size straw inserted here*…


What am I listening to as I pen this bloggary:  What’s New Pussycat, by Tom Jones


  1. Replies
    1. I know...that cat is pretty damn funny! I need a sarcastic cat that can make me bank...Sheesh! ;)

  2. THat big mouth doggie has gotta be worth something!

    1. Oh I know if I could only make it insult people while still maintaining a level of cute and cuddly! Nah...I should just name him Nasty Dog and have him start calling people ass that might be something! HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

  3. I think I have Grumpy Cat's sister under my bed. We usually call her Antisocial Kitty, but she is very, very grumpy. Thanks for linking up with us at the Humor Me Blog Hop!

    1. HHAHAHAAAA! Your cat sounds like an opportunity to create some competition with Grumpy Cat! Business is all about competitors and this sounds like a WINNER! ;)

  4. Apparently you can get away with a lot if you're a cat!

    1. Oh Let me tell ya...this cat seriously has some pretty good insults! I was laughing my ass off at some of them...pretty funny stuff! ;)

  5. I love Grumpy Cat. Just looking at that cat's face makes me laugh. Grumpy Cat says what every cat is thinking - that's the best part. Love it!

    1. I seriously had NO idea that this cat was so popular...and the things that this cat sez is just TOO FUNNY! He is awful cute too...dang cat! ;)

  6. Grumpy Cat! That is amazing! Thanks so much for linking up for This Momma's Meandering Mondays! Have an amazing week!

    1. I know right?! I will wander over and link up again next week! ;)

  7. That cat has an agent too. It'll probably have its own reality show before long. It'll fit in just perfectly though. You know how catty everybody in Hollywood is.

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAAA! That is too funny! I just found out that he has just published a now he is like "50 Shades of Grumpy Cat" HAHAHAHAAAAAAA!

  8. Oh gosh, that grumpy cat picture is amazing! I love the blog post too. Found you through the blog hop!

    My Personal Accent

    1. Glad that you liked my verbally bloated blabbing...I will wander over to your site and follow ya! ;)

  9. I think we love grumpy cat because he gets away with what most of us are thinking. ;)

    1. I know...and somehow when it comes from a furry cat...well it doesn't quite sting as much right? Again...GENIUS! ;)

  10. OMG really? A movie deal? I bet that he has his own Astin Martin with a personal driver too right? Sheesh...I SO need a Grumpy Cat it's just NOT funny! ;)

  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again. There will never be enough cat pictures on the internet...
    I will say that the grumpy cat movie just seems weird. But who knows, it could be fun.
    Happy Friday!
    Mei @ Diary of a Fair Weather Diver

  12. Thanks for linking up with the Friday Flash Blog. I hope you checked out the highlighted posts as well as everyone’s terrific entries. Have a fabulous weekend!

